Reaping the great sorrows of thine face,
O, the destruction wreaked on thy race,
Humanity, once was a golden harvest,
But thine pests have strengthened t’is nest.
Time and patience, essence is of none.
What joy beseeched to wait for it to come.
Anger floweth to skirt troubled waters,
Where thy calm once resolved matters.
Care for none thou would compromise,
Lest thou ain’t returned a fair prize.
False pretences in emotions lain and beheld,
For sharing in love hath all but prevailed.
Thy seeketh only for thine pleasure,
Yet resources dim by this measure.
Troubled times for tough survival
Thy knoweth all but careth little.
Then there are those who govern us all,
Unworthy players of the political ball.
Truth and thy, enemies by blood,
Drowning nations in thine flood.
Littlest of prods and war unleashed.
Killing more than any calamity abolished.
A game thine playeth for dominance over others’
To hunt and kill, who once were thine brothers.
And then there art thou who striketh terror,
Where innocence is: thine only error.
Destruction without care, where none may tread,
For thy commit a purpose known not even to the dead.
O! What thine face shone once bright,
Done to thyself that killeth the light.
For only sound that cometh near
T’is one that thou cannot hear.
It pleadeth thy race for thine mercy and pray,
To save thine soul from judgement day.
A phoenix’s lament, the sound other is none,
“O Humanity! What have thou become?”