Saturday, December 25, 2010

The Silence Of The Dead

Bodies strewn all around,
Bloodied and torn throughout.
With no whisper, no sound,
All dead without doubt.
The rage of the war has struck;
To death the warriors led.
In this political muck,
Enemies are like brothers dead.

Dust and blood in tandem;
Even the skies have gone numb.
The only creatures at the show
Are the vultures swooping low,
To the food for their thought,
As the soldiers lay to rot.
A disgusting sight to perceive,
Which nations spin and weave.

To what end must this begin?
As the human race grows dim.
When will they ever learn?
With wars, the humans burn.
So now we seek the end;
Our ways we need to amend.
Now, enough has this world bled
To the sound of the silence of the dead.

1 comment:

  1. astoundingly brilliant...aaro chai...keep on writing more and more...
